Friday, August 15, 2014

Someday Is Today: My SAHM Challenge, Week One

I'm working part-time now, which means I have two or three days a week to be at home with Catherine. I know how lucky I am to get to do both things--be a school librarian and a mother. I feel like each role makes me better in the other role. I also know that this time with Catherine is short, so I want to make the most of it. I have challenged myself to do something every weekday that I have never experienced before. Here are the results for this week.

Monday - I watched Bronies: The Extremely Unexpected Adult Male Fans of My Little Pony (Netflix). I heard of this phenomenon from the girls in the middle school Sunday School class I help teach. I was really surprised at how much I enjoyed learning about the Bronies. It helped me to see that I need to be open to whatever it is my children choose to love. I also made me think about gender stereotypes and double standards. It's encouraged for girls to like "boy" things, but when a boy likes a "girl" thing, then people freak out.  My favorite quote from the documentary was when MLP:FIM creator Lauren Faust said "These Bronies are taking these lessons to heart. We need to allow men to be sensitive and to care about one another, and not call them weak for caring." (FYI The lessons are the six components of harmony, traits that the Ponies embody--honest, kindness, laughter, generosity, loyalty, and magic.)

I also watched a few episodes of Bob's Burgers (Netflix) which my sister recommended. I was laughing within the first 5 minutes, so I think I've found a new favorite show.

Tuesday - There is an actual butcher shop in Morristown called Sam's Meat Cleaver that's been around as long as I can remember. And it's one of those places I've always meant to go, but just never got around to it. I resolved to visit, and on Tuesday I stopped in with Catherine (after her first visit to the Morristown library) to pick up some meat for a soup I was making, along with some ground beef for burgers or tacos. It was a nice little store with rocking chairs to sit in while Sam cut up my meat. The prices were less than the grocery store, and I know the meat is coming from a good source. I will return to Sam's for my future meat purchases.

Friday - I went to Knoxville to run some errands, and on my way home I stopped in at a little farm produce store that I have driven past for SIX YEARS and never visited. I always thought "Someday I'll go in there." I finally went today and bought a whole bag of vegetables (including my first October Shelly beans) for $3. I will visit this neat little store again soon.  (Another cool thing about this place--they sell Caramel Apple Suckers which I LOVE but are super hard to come by.)

I hope to have more things to add to my mundane bucket list. Some of the things will be pretty boring, but I no longer feel justified putting off the many things I want to do. I want to make the most of this fruitful and short season with Catherine.

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