I realized I'd not updated this in over a year. So much as happened. We had our second embryo transfer on July 2, 2013, and on July 11 I found out I was pregnant. Catherine Grace was born on March 20, 2014. She is a miracle of love AND science which makes her even more awesome. This is her birth story, which I wrote to her in letter form, the day after she was born.
Dear Catherine,
We just met you less than 48 hours ago, but it feels like you've been in our lives forever. I wanted to take a few moments to write down my memories of your birth. On Tuesday, I got my hair cut and highlighted and helped Grandmommie buy her new car. We ate lunch at Chik-fil-A. It was a beautiful day outside! On Tuesday night, Kevin and I went to see The Lego Movie (which we loved) and I got coke and popcorn to drink. We also stopped in at Ingles on the way home. I couldn't get to sleep and I thought it was the caffeine in the Diet Coke. I also was having some indigestion from the popcorn. Around 2 AM, I threw up what felt like everything in my stomach. I thought that was weird, and I suspected I could be preparing for labor. I still couldn't sleep because of stomach upset, and around 4 AM I started having stomach pains. Those cramps turned into contractions that started off pretty regular and close together but not too strong. I had a feeling this was it. I hadn't had many contractions before this, and nothing that could be considered regular. I woke up Kevin and told him that I thought I was having contractions. About an hour later, texted mom, Erin, Haley, and Mandy and told them today might be the day. We also texted Nonna and Pop-Pop and let them know. I called the doctor around 6:30 AM and she said to come on into labor and delivery. I took a shower, got dressed, packed a few last minute things, and made our way to Knoxville. We were admitted to triage where I was examined and they decided to admit me to the hospital. The only time the whole day I cried out of pain was when they tried to examine my cervix. Yeesh! They finally found it (behind your head!) and I was dilated to 4 cm. I got changed into my hospital gown and got settled in. Dr. Roberts broke my water and that was pretty cool. I'd been looking forward to that for a long time since I had SO much fluid. During my contractions, I would breathe deeply and visualize myself on a beach in a bikini with my fabulous body, holding you and staring off into the sunset. That was my happy, peaceful place. I then got my epidural which wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. During that procedure, you shifted somehow and a LOT of fluid came out...like a river. It went in the floor and all in a chair. It was amazing. It was yellow with little white bits floating in it. Gross, but I loved it! You know how I love weird things like that! All through waiting for my cervix to completely dilate, I ate a LOT of Popsicles, visited with everyone who came, and rested. I could still feel pressure in my legs and move them, too! I wasn't expecting that. My left leg was more mobile than my right leg, which felt like a tree trunk. Labor stalled a for about 2 hours once I got to 9.5 cm. They flipped me on my side a few times and it finally opened and I could start pushing. That was around 8 PM. I was pretty sure I was going to deliver on the 19th (which not my favorite number, would soon be your number and I was OK with that.) I started pushing, and I just couldn't get the hang of it. I felt like I was doing it wrong. Erin, Mandy, Mom and Kevin all stayed with me to push. I pushed and pushed and I got more and more tired. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to do it. I knew I wasn't making a lot of progress, but my nurse Meredith was very encouraging. So in the end, I pushed for 4 hours (which I later realized was a LONG time) and they had to use the vacuum extractor to help get you out. I kept telling myself "You are a ******* WARRIOR!" to give myself strength. I really didn't know if I could do what I knew I needed to do, but I didn't really have a choice. I prayed a lot and told God I couldn't do it without him and to please help me. Finally after 2 more contractions and 6 pushes, and a Level 3 episiotomy you were born! We saw that you had lots of blonde hair, blue eyes, and were very alert to the world around you. Once they cleaned you off, you weighed in at 9 pounds 3 ounces. Everyone was shocked at how big you were! I was stunned that I'd delivered such a large baby, but I am SO grateful because of the immunities you acquired from your time in the birth canal. (You know how much I believe in good germs!) Everyone was in awe of what I'd done, but I knew I had no other choice really. We finally got settled in with you after your bath, and I ate my foods of choice (hummus and pita chips and a strawberry limeade from Sonic (Courtesy of Haley) which were SO delicious since I hadn't eaten in over 24 hours. Like your time-conscious mother, you arrived on your due date and now you have the beautiful birthday of 3/20/14. Such lovely numbers, and on the first day of spring no less. After all the sadness we went through, you were our little spring flower come to stay.
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